Psp Iso Folder Structure

For Firmware Versions < 2.80

Run POPStation and browse for the iso bin file that is ripped from the PlayStation 1 disc and click 'go'. After the POP Station is done processing's look in your output folder you selected and you should see a EBOOT.PBP and KEYS.BIN file. Place these in Memory Stick PSPGAME(Game title name folder) folder and you're ready to go.

Acceptable formats are ISO and CSO. Simply put the whole file inside this folder, and the game will be available from the GAME menu on the PSP. Hey just downloaded a game and extracted it and got an eboot.pbp file i have tried putting it into my iso folder doesn't work and then tried psp/game150 folder still don't work. Only then will you. The.iso is what I am trying to make. EDIT: I did manage to somehow convert the EBOOT.PBP to a folder called PSPGAME. Inside that folder is a SYSDIR folder, a USRDIR (empty) folder, a ICON0.PNG file and a PARAM.SFO file. The SYSDIR-folder has a BOOT.BIN, DATA.BIN and a EBOOT.BIN file inside it.

Most PSP’s use the following directory structure.

For Firmware Versions 2.80+

Firmware versions 2.80 and above use the following directory structure.

The ‘PSP’ directory is the main directory used by the PSP. The ‘MP_ROOT’ directory is where you should store any MP4 video files you want to view using your PSP, in a compatible format.


The ‘GAME’ > ‘UPDATE’ directory is where any firmware updates should be stored as well as bonus levels or extras downloaded for a particular game.

The ‘SAVEDATA’ directory should not be altered in anyway, as it could cause you data to be corrupted, disabling you from loading your saved files correctly.

For Firmware Versions < 2.80

Psp iso folder structure tutorial

The ‘MUSIC’ and ‘PHOTO’ directories can be used to store music (ATRAC and MP3) and photo (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF), respectively. You can use sub-directories to seperate the files as needed.

Iso Files For Psp

The “MP_ROOT” folder is used to store video content. (See How do I put videos onto my PSP?)

For Firmware Versions 2.80+

The “MUSIC”, “VIDEO” and “PICTURE” folders can be used to store music (ATRAC and MP3), videos (MP4) and photos (JPG, BMP, PNG, TIFF), respectively

Psp Iso Files Free Download

Note: The file structure for firmware version 2.0 is shown. For firmware versions < 2.0, do not add the 'COMMON' and 'SYSTEM' folders. For firmware versions 2.80+, the 'MP_ROOT' folder has been renamed to 'VIDEO' and the 'MUSIC' folder has been moved to the root of the Memory Stick. The 'PHOTO' folder has been renamed to 'PICTURE' and moved to the root of the Memory Stick.

Psp Iso Folder Structure
Have you ever got annoyed by corrupted files? Like games for example? When you take a look at the info, it say a couple of gigabytes, and when you try to delete it, it won't work? Not even on the computer? Well, this should hopefully fix it! Let's get this party started!
[Optional] Memory Stick Duo Adaptor
1. Connect your PSP to your computer and put your PSP into USB mode.
2. Open Computer (for Vista and up), or My Computer (for older Windows).
3. Right click on your PSP's drive.
4. Click on 'Properties'.
5. Click on the 'Tools' tab.
6. Click the 'Check Now...' button under the 'Error-checking' section.
7. Select all the check boxes.
8. Press the 'Start' button.
9. Wait 10 to 30 minutes or until it finishes.
10. Exit out.
To check if the corrupted file is 'fixed' and delete it:
1. Connect your PSP to your computer and put your PSP into USB mode.
2. Open Computer (for Vista and up), or My Computer (for older Windows).
3. Open your PSP's drive.
4. Go to the corrupted file or folder. It should now come up as a file that cannot be opened.
5. Delete it.
6. Go to the root of your Memory Stick, and delete the folder you do not recognize (It might be named ***_*****, sorry, don't remember cuz I deleted it).
7. Exit out.
There! That should fix your corruption problem eh?